What is Air Pollution?
Air pollution
Air pollution is a mix of particles and gases that can reach harmful concentrations. Soot, smoke, mould, pollen, methane, nitrogen dioxide and carbon dioxide are examples of common pollutants. When inhaled they can cause significant health risks andΒ has been linked to higher rates of cancer, heart disease, stroke and respiratory diseases such as asthma.

Did you know...?
Air pollution causes 4.2 million deaths every year as a result to ambient (outdoor) air pollution. (WHO, 2019) Motor vehicles are one of the main pollutants.
91% of the world's pollution live in places exceeding WHO air quality guidelines and 25% urban ambient air pollution from fine particulate matter is contributed by traffic.
How is PM measured?
Particulate Matter (PM) is the name given to the microscopic pollutants in the air. PM is measured in micros, or micrometer. One micron is one millionth of a metre.Β Particulates are divided into two basic groups based on their size:Β PM10 (coarse): These are mostly allergy causing airborne pollutants such as pollen, mould, dust, etc. PM2.5 (fine): Since these are finer, they can travel further into the lungs and potentially cause more damage.Β
CYCL Face Guard
An anti pollution filter and scarf in one, CYCL's Face Guard provides protection from smog, dust and allergens whilst keeping your neck warm. A nanofiber membrane is integrated into the scarf which filters particulates and pollution.
CYCL Face Guard provides 99.9% protection for PM2.5. So whether you're travelling by bicycle, moped, scooter, skateboard, by foot or even on the tube, feel confident navigating the city with Face Guard.

Nano-fibre Filter
What's unique about our pollution scarf is its nano fibre filter mesh that filters out pollution.
It is hand-washable so there are no fiddly filters to change. The scarf itself was designed with comfort and utility in mind. There is an adjustable nose strap and elastic closure that fits at the back of the head that provides minimal air leakage for any face shape.
Whether you're traveling by bicycle, moped, scooter, skateboard, by foot or even on the tube - shield yourself from pollution and feel confident navigating the city with our pollution scarf.