We create bicycle and electric scooter accessories that help you feel safer, more confident and visible when riding.

Who are CYCL?

Cycl is a Dragons’ Den back company on a mission for safer and greener urban mobility. Passionate about getting more people into cycling and ensuring they feel safe and confident when they take to the streets.

Best-known for creating WingLights, indicators that fit into the end of bicycle or e-scooter handlebars, designed to make your direction interns clear to other road users and increasing your all round visibility on the streets. We have since expanded the scope of our activities to include a wide variety of cycle accessories to help cyclists feel safer and more visible on the roads and therefore more confident to use sustainable modes of transport. From pollution scarves to high visibility accessories - we want to provide first time and new to cycling people with a variety of high quality accessories.

We were founded in 2014 by Luca Amaduzzi, who first came up with the idea for bicycle indicators after experiencing the danger of London’s traffic from a cyclists’ perspective. Along with childhood friend and PhD student Agostino Stilli, Luca began designing the first WingLights model.

My first few years in London I cycled everywhere. As anyone who has done the same will tell you, being ignored and nearly hit by motorists is the norm for cyclists. Frustrated, I turned to the internet for a solution. What I found was a large gap in the market. On one side there were hand signals: archaic, destabilising in nature, and at times downright dangerous. On the other side there was a range of cheaply made indicators, complicated in installation and illogical in design. Shortly after my realization I began discussing with my close friend and engineer Agostino Stilli about designing high-quality direction indicators for bikes. From there, WingLights were born. .” – Luca Amaduzzi

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